MongoDB Error E11000: Resolving Duplicate Key Errors in Collections


The E11000 duplicate key error collection in MongoDB is a common hurdle that developers encounter, especially when working with unique indexes or upsert operations. This error signifies that a write operation attempted to insert or update a document with a value that already exists in a unique index. This blog post will delve into the reasons behind this error and provide effective strategies for resolution and prevention.

Understanding the Error

This error occurs when MongoDB enforces uniqueness constraints defined by unique indexes in a collection. If an operation tries to insert a new document or update an existing one with a duplicate value in a field that is part of a unique index, MongoDB will halt the operation and return the E11000 error.

Diving Deeper

The E11000 error not only ensures data integrity by enforcing uniqueness but also serves as an important check for data modeling practices and application logic regarding how data is inserted or updated in MongoDB collections.

Common Scenarios and Fixes with Example Code Snippets

Scenario 1: Inserting Duplicate Documents

Problematic Code: Attempting to insert documents with duplicate values in a field that is part of a unique index.


					db.users.insertOne({ username: "user1" });
db.users.insertOne({ username: "user1" }); // Causes E11000 error due to duplicate 'username'


Explanation: The second insert operation violates the unique constraint on the username field.

Solution: Check for the existence of the value before insertion or handle the error gracefully to inform the user or system.


					if (db.users.countDocuments({ username: "user1" }) === 0) {
 db.users.insertOne({ username: "user1" });
} else {
 console.log("Username already exists.");


Explanation: Checking for duplicate values before inserting documents helps prevent the E11000 error and maintains data integrity.

Scenario 2: Updating Documents to Duplicate Values

Problematic Code: Updating a document in a way that would result in a duplicate value in a unique index field.


					db.users.updateOne({ username: "user2" }, { $set: { username: "user1" } }); // Causes E11000 if "user1" already exists


Explanation: The update operation tries to set the username of “user2” to “user1”, which already exists, violating the unique index constraint.

Solution: Perform a check before updating or use update operations that inherently prevent duplicates, like $addToSet for arrays.


					if (db.users.countDocuments({ username: "user1" }) === 0) {
 db.users.updateOne({ username: "user2" }, { $set: { username: "user1" } });
} else {
 console.log("Cannot update to a username that already exists.");


Explanation: Ensuring that the new value does not violate uniqueness constraints before performing an update operation prevents the E11000 error.

Scenario 3: Unique Index on Compound Keys

Problematic Code: Creating a unique index on a combination of fields and attempting to insert documents that violate the compound uniqueness constraint.


					db.orders.createIndex({ customerId: 1, productId: 1 }, { unique: true });
db.orders.insertOne({ customerId: 1, productId: 2 });
db.orders.insertOne({ customerId: 1, productId: 2 }); // Causes E11000 error due to duplicate compound key


Explanation: The second insert operation violates the unique constraint on the compound key { customerId, productId }.

Solution: Before insertion, check for existing documents with the same compound key values.


					if (db.orders.countDocuments({ customerId: 1, productId: 2 }) === 0) {
 db.orders.insertOne({ customerId: 1, productId: 2 });
} else {
 console.log("Order for this customer and product already exists.");


Explanation: Verifying the absence of duplicate compound keys before insertion helps in adhering to the unique constraints of compound indexes.

Scenario 4: Upsert Operations Leading to Duplicates

Problematic Code: Using an upsert operation without ensuring that the query and update document together do not lead to a duplicate key error.


					db.users.updateOne({ username: "user3" }, { $set: { email: "" } }, { upsert: true }); // Causes E11000 if "" exists in another document


Explanation: The upsert operation might try to create a new document with an email that already exists, violating the unique index on the email field.

Solution: Ensure that the upsert query uniquely identifies the document to prevent unintended document creation that violates unique constraints.


					db.users.updateOne({ email: "" }, { $set: { username: "user3" } }, { upsert: true });


Explanation: Crafting upsert queries that consider unique constraints ensures that the operation does not inadvertently create duplicates.

Scenario 5: Bulk Write Operations

Problematic Code: Performing bulk write operations without handling potential duplicate key errors.


 { insertOne: { "document": { _id: 1, username: "userA" } } },
 { insertOne: { "document": { _id: 1, username: "userB" } } } // Causes E11000 error due to duplicate '_id'


Explanation: The second insert operation in the bulk write tries to insert a document with an _id that already exists, violating the unique constraint on the _id field.

Solution: Handle potential errors in bulk write operations using ordered: false to continue executing other operations even if one fails.


 { insertOne: { "document": { _id: 1, username: "userA" } } },
 { insertOne: { "document": { _id: 2, username: "userB" } } } // Ensuring unique '_id' values
], { ordered: false });


Explanation: By ensuring unique keys in bulk operations and setting ordered: false, MongoDB will execute all operations that don’t violate unique constraints, improving operation resilience.

Scenario 6: Non-Atomic Operations Leading to Duplicates

Problematic Code: Using non-atomic operations that can lead to race conditions, resulting in duplicate key errors.


					// Two concurrent operations trying to create a user if it doesn't exist
if (db.users.countDocuments({ username: "userC" }) === 0) {
 db.users.insertOne({ username: "userC" }); // Both operations might pass the check and attempt to insert, causing E11000


Explanation: Concurrent operations might both pass the existence check and attempt to insert the same document, causing a duplicate key error.


Use atomic operations like findOneAndUpdate with upsert: true to avoid race conditions.


					db.users.findOneAndUpdate({ username: "userC" }, { $setOnInsert: { username: "userC" } }, { upsert: true });


Explanation: Atomic upsert operations ensure that the document is inserted only if it doesn’t already exist, eliminating race conditions.

Scenario 7: Schema Design Issues

Problematic Code: Designing a schema that inadvertently encourages duplicate entries due to insufficiently unique fields in unique indexes.


					// A schema where 'email' is unique but not sufficient to differentiate users in some cases
db.users.createIndex({ email: 1 }, { unique: true });


Explanation: The unique index on the email field might not be sufficient if the application logic allows for scenarios where emails might not be unique (e.g., shared family email).

Solution: Review and adjust the schema design to ensure that unique indexes are based on truly unique attributes or combinations of attributes.


					// Adjusting the schema to include a combination of fields for uniqueness
db.users.createIndex({ email: 1, username: 1 }, { unique: true });


Explanation: Creating unique indexes on combinations of fields that together are unique for each document can prevent unintended duplicate key errors.

Scenario 8: Inconsistent Data Cleanup

Problematic Code: Inadequate cleanup of related data can lead to orphaned records that violate unique constraints during reinsertion.


					// Deleting a user without cleaning up related 'orders'
db.users.deleteOne({ username: "userD" });
// Attempting to reinsert the user might cause E11000 if 'orders' or other related collections reference the user


Explanation: If related data is not properly cleaned up, reinserting a previously deleted document might violate unique constraints due to lingering references.

Solution: Implement thorough cleanup routines or cascading deletes to remove or update related data when a document is deleted.


					// When deleting a user, also clean up or update related 'orders'
db.users.deleteOne({ username: "userD" });
db.orders.updateMany({ user: "userD" }, { $unset: { user: "" } }); // Remove or update the reference


Explanation: Properly managing related data ensures that reinsertions or updates do not encounter unexpected duplicate key errors due to stale or orphaned references.

Strategies to Prevent Errors

Thorough Index Planning: Carefully plan your database indexes, especially unique indexes, considering how data will be inserted and updated.

Application-Level Checks: Implement checks in your application logic to verify the uniqueness of data before attempting to write to the database.

Use MongoDB Transactions: For complex operations that might risk violating unique constraints, consider using MongoDB transactions to ensure atomicity and rollback capabilities in case of errors.

Best Practices

Logging and Monitoring: Implement logging for failed write operations to track and analyze occurrences of the E11000 error for ongoing optimization.

User Feedback: Provide meaningful feedback to users attempting to input duplicate data, guiding them to provide unique values.

Regular Index Review: Periodically review your collection indexes to ensure they align with current application requirements and data access patterns.


The MongoDB E11000 duplicate key error collection error, while challenging, is a safeguard against data integrity issues. By understanding the common causes and implementing the solutions and best practices outlined above, developers can effectively manage unique constraints in MongoDB, leading to more robust and reliable data models and application experiences.