Overcoming Express.js Error: 413 Payload Too Large


The “413 Payload Too Large” error in Express.js surfaces when a client’s request to the server includes a payload that exceeds the maximum size limit set by the server. This error is commonly encountered in applications that allow user-generated content, such as file uploads or large data forms. This blog post will explore the roots of the “413 Payload Too Large” error and offer actionable solutions to effectively manage it in Express.js applications.

Understanding the Error

A “413 Payload Too Large” error occurs when the size of the data (payload) sent in a request to the server surpasses the allowed limit. Express.js, by default, has a modest payload size limit to prevent overwhelming the server with excessively large requests. This safeguard is crucial for maintaining server performance and security.

Diving Deeper

This error not only impacts file uploads but can also affect API clients that send large JSON objects or extensive form data. It’s a signal to review and adjust your application’s data handling capacity according to its specific needs.

Common Scenarios and Fixes with Example Code Snippets

Scenario 1: File Upload Exceeds Default Limit

Problematic Code: Attempting to upload a large file without configuring the size limit in Express.js.


					const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.post('/upload', (req, res) => {
 // File upload logic here


Explanation: The server rejects the file upload because it exceeds the default payload size limit, resulting in a “413 Payload Too Large” error.

Solution: Increase the payload size limit using middleware like body-parser or express.json().


					app.use(express.json({ limit: '50mb' })); // Increase JSON body size limit
app.use(express.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb', extended: true })); // Increase URL-encoded body size limit


Explanation: Configuring Express.js to accept larger payloads allows for the successful upload of large files.

Scenario 2: Large JSON API Payload

Problematic Code: Sending a large JSON object in an API request without setting an appropriate payload size limit.


					// Client-side API request with a large JSON payload
fetch('/api/data', {
 method: 'POST',
 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
 body: JSON.stringify(largeDataObject)


Explanation: The large size of largeDataObject results in a “413 Payload Too Large” error from the server.

Solution: Configure the server to handle larger JSON payloads.


					app.use(express.json({ limit: '100mb' })); // Adjusting the limit for JSON payloads

Explanation: Increasing the JSON payload limit ensures the server can handle larger data objects sent through API requests.

Scenario 3: Extensive Form Data

Problematic Code: Submitting a form with extensive data without adjusting the payload size limit.


					<!-- Client-side form with numerous fields -->
<form action="/submit-form" method="post">
 <!-- Form fields -->


Explanation: A form with a significant number of fields can generate a payload that exceeds the default limit, leading to a “413 Payload Too Large” error upon submission.

Solution: Extend the limit for URL-encoded bodies in Express.js to accommodate extensive form data.


					app.use(express.urlencoded({ limit: '50mb', extended: true }));

Explanation: By extending the size limit for URL-encoded bodies, the server can process forms with a large amount of data without encountering a “413 Payload Too Large” error.

Scenario 4: Bulk Data Insertion

Problematic Code: Performing a bulk data insertion via an API endpoint without considering payload size limitations.


					app.post('/api/bulk-insert', (req, res) => {
 // Logic to handle bulk insertion of data


Explanation: A bulk insertion operation involving a large dataset can exceed the server’s payload size limit, resulting in a “413 Payload Too Large” error.

Solution: Adjust the server’s payload limit to accommodate bulk insertion operations.


					app.use(express.json({ limit: '200mb' })); // Increase the limit for handling bulk data

Explanation: Increasing the payload size limit specific to endpoints handling bulk operations prevents the “413 Payload Too Large” error and ensures smooth data processing.

Scenario 5: Third-Party Middleware Limits

Problematic Code: Using third-party middleware for file uploads or body parsing without customizing the size limits.


					const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer(); // Default size limits

app.post('/profile', upload.single('avatar'), (req, res) => {
 // Profile update logic


Explanation: The default configuration of multer or similar middleware may not accommodate larger files, leading to “413 Payload Too Large” errors.

Solution: Configure the middleware with increased size limits to handle larger files.


					const upload = multer({ limits: { fileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024 } }); // Set limit to 10MB

app.post('/profile', upload.single('avatar'), (req, res) => {
 // Now capable of handling larger files


Explanation: Adjusting third-party middleware settings to accept larger files prevents “413 Payload Too Large” errors during uploads.

Scenario 6: Inadequate Server Resources

Problematic Code: A server with limited resources (memory or bandwidth) struggles to handle large payloads.


					// No specific code example; the issue is related to server hardware or configuration.

Explanation: Limited server resources can impede the handling of large payloads, indirectly leading to “413 Payload Too Large” errors.

Solution: Optimize server resources or upgrade server capacity to better handle large payloads.


					// Server optimization or upgrade, potentially involving changes to hosting plan or server configuration.


Explanation: Ensuring the server has sufficient resources to handle large payloads can mitigate “413 Payload Too Large” errors and improve overall application performance.

Scenario 7: API Gateway or Reverse Proxy Configuration

Problematic Code: An API gateway or reverse proxy with default payload size limits can block large requests before they reach the Express.js application.


					// No specific code example; the issue lies in the configuration of the API gateway or reverse proxy.

Explanation: The default configuration of API gateways or reverse proxies might not align with the payload size requirements of the Express.js application, causing “413 Payload Too Large” errors.

Solution: Configure the API gateway or reverse proxy to allow larger payloads.


					server {
 client_max_body_size 100M; // Increase the maximum body size limit in Nginx


Explanation: Aligning the payload size limits of the API gateway or reverse proxy with those of the Express.js application ensures that large requests are not prematurely blocked.

Scenario 8: Content-Type Mismatch

Problematic Code: A mismatch between the Content-Type of the request and the server’s expectations can lead to payload processing issues, contributing to “413 Payload Too Large” errors.


					app.post('/api/data', express.json(), (req, res) => {
 // Expecting JSON, but client sends a different Content-Type


Explanation: If the server expects a specific Content-Type (e.g., application/json) but receives a different type with a large payload, it may result in a “413 Payload Too Large” error.

Solution: Ensure that the client specifies the correct Content-Type that matches the server’s configuration.


					// Client-side request
fetch('/api/data', {
 method: 'POST',
 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
 body: JSON.stringify(largeDataObject)


Explanation: Aligning the Content-Type of client requests with server expectations ensures proper payload processing and reduces the likelihood of “413 Payload Too Large” errors.

Strategies to Prevent Errors

Dynamic Limit Configuration: Consider dynamically configuring payload size limits based on the route or the type of operation (e.g., file upload vs. API data submission) to ensure flexibility and security.

Client-Side Validation: Implement client-side checks to validate the size of the payload before making a request to the server. Informing users about the size limitations can prevent unnecessary large requests.

Efficient Data Handling: For applications that regularly deal with large datasets, explore efficient data handling and transmission techniques such as streaming, chunking, or compression to reduce the payload size.

Monitoring and Logging: Regularly monitor and log payload sizes to identify trends and adjust size limits proactively. This can help in maintaining optimal server performance and user experience.

Best Practices

Clear Communication of Limits: Clearly document and communicate payload size limits to API consumers or application users to set the right expectations and prevent oversized requests.

Adaptive Size Limits: Consider implementing adaptive size limits based on user roles, content types, or specific endpoints to provide flexibility without compromising server integrity.

Efficient Data Encoding: Utilize efficient data encoding techniques, such as gzip compression, to reduce the size of transmitted payloads, mitigating “413 Payload Too Large” errors.

Chunked Uploads: For file uploads, implement chunked uploading mechanisms that split large files into smaller chunks, which are uploaded sequentially and reassembled server-side.

Validation and Feedback: Implement immediate client-side validation of payload sizes and provide real-time feedback to users attempting to submit large payloads, guiding them to reduce payload size or use alternative methods.

Resource Monitoring: Regularly monitor server resource usage and adjust payload size limits in line with the server’s capacity to handle large requests, ensuring a balance between usability and server performance.


The “413 Payload Too Large” error in Express.js is manageable with thoughtful configuration and understanding of your application’s data handling needs. By appropriately configuring payload size limits and implementing best practices for data transmission, you can ensure that your Express.js application remains robust, user-friendly, and secure.