'JSX Element Type' Error in ReactJS

In the vast landscape of web development, ReactJS has undoubtedly cemented its position as one of the most powerful and widely used libraries for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. However, like any other technology, ReactJS can present challenges, and one such common stumbling block is the dreaded “JSX Element Type Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures” error. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into this error, comprehend its underlying causes, and explore effective solutions to triumphantly overcome it. In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step solution to resolve this issue and get your React application back on track. Our team of experienced developers has encountered and conquered this problem many times, and we’re here to share our expertise with you.

Understanding the Error

Before we delve into resolving this error, let’s take a moment to grasp its essence. This error arises when there is an issue with how a React component or element is defined or invoked within the code. It prominently displays in the developer console as a distinct red message, demanding immediate attention. The ‘JSX element type does not have any construct or call signatures’ error presents a common stumbling block for React developers. It occurs when React fails to recognize the JSX element you intend to render. This often arises due to a mismatch in the way components are imported or defined. It’s crucial to pinpoint the root cause of this error to effectively implement the right solution.

Common Causes of the Error

To conquer the error, we must first identify its roots. Several common reasons could trigger this error, and we shall examine them below:

1. Incorrect Import Statements

One prevalent cause is an incorrect import statement for the React component or element in question. Even a small typo in the import statement can result in this error.


     // Incorrect import statement
import { InorrectComponent } from './components/MyComponent';


2. Exporting Issues

Improper exporting of the component from its source file can also be a cause for concern. It is essential to ensure that the component is exported correctly using appropriate methods.


     // Incorrect export
export myComponent from './MyComponent';


3. Typos or Misspellings

A seemingly trivial typographical error could be the culprit behind the error message. A mismatch in component names, whether in import statements or function definitions, can lead to the error.


     // Mismatch in component name
const MyComponent = () => {
  // Component implementation

export default MyCompnent; // Typo here - MyComponent misspelled as MyCompnent


4. Multiple Copies of React

Having multiple copies of the React library in the project can create conflicts, ultimately resulting in the “JSX Element Type Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures” error. It’s essential to ensure a singular version of React throughout the application.


     // Multiple copies of React causing conflict
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import React from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  // Component implementation


5. Incorrect JSX Syntax

Incorrectly written JSX syntax, such as using unsupported HTML tags or improperly nesting elements, can also trigger this error.


     // Incorrectly nested elements
const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, World!</h2> {/* Incorrect closing tag - should be h1 */}


Effective Solutions to Resolve the Error

Now that we’ve explored the underlying causes of the “JSX Element Type Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures” error, it’s time to equip ourselves with the knowledge to overcome it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue and getting your React application back on track.

1. Check Import Statements

Begin by meticulously examining your import statements. Make sure that you’ve accurately spelled the component’s name and that the file path is correct. A simple typographical error could result in triggering this error.


     // Correct import statement
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent';


2. Verify Exporting

Ensure that you’re exporting your components using the appropriate methods. Use the default keyword for default exports and named exports for other components.


     // Correct export
export default MyComponent;

// Correct named export
export const AnotherComponent = () => {
  // Component implementation


3. Inspect Typos and Misspellings

Double-check your code for any typographical errors, especially in component names. Correct any instances where the component name is misspelled or doesn’t match across import and export statements.


     // Corrected component name
const MyComponent = () => {
  // Component implementation

export default MyComponent;


4. Resolve Multiple Copies of React

If you suspect multiple copies of the React library are causing conflicts, ensure you’re importing it correctly. You should only import React once in each file and make sure you’re using the same version of React throughout your application.


     // Import React correctly
import React, { Component } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  // Component implementation

export default MyComponent;


5. Verify JSX Syntax

Carefully review your JSX syntax for correctness. Check for improperly closed tags, mismatched tag names, and other syntax errors.


     // Corrected JSX syntax
const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, World!</h1> {/* Correct closing tag */}


By diligently following these steps, you’ll likely be able to identify and rectify the issue causing the “JSX Element Type Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures” error in your React application. Remember, attention to detail is key when troubleshooting such errors, and a systematic approach will lead you to a successful resolution.

Diagram - React Component Structure

To provide a visual aid, here’s a diagram illustrating the correct structure of your React components:


     graph TD;
  A[App Component] -->|imports and uses| B[MyComponent];


jsx element type 'numberformat' does not have any construct or call signatures.

Understanding the Error

The error typically suggests that the JSX parser expects a component or element to behave like a React component but instead encounters something it can’t process, such as a simple variable or function that isn’t returning a React element.

This error often arises when using third-party libraries for formatting numbers, like react-number-format. Developers might encounter this error when they’ve incorrectly imported or utilized the NumberFormat component.

Scenarios and Solutions for the 'NumberFormat' Error in ReactJS

Scenario 1: Incorrect Import Statement

Problematic Code:


     import NumberFormat from 'react-number-format';

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


Ensure that the import statement matches the named export from the library.


     import { NumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


Scenario 2: Using NumberFormat as a Constructor

Problematic Code:


     import { NumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return new NumberFormat(value={price}); // Incorrect usage as a constructor


Use NumberFormat as a JSX tag, not as a constructor.


     function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


Scenario 3: NumberFormat as a Function Call

Problematic Code:


     import { NumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return NumberFormat({ value: price }); // Incorrect function call


Treat NumberFormat as a React component, not a regular function.


     function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


Scenario 4: Missing JSX Container

Problematic Code:


     import { NumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  // Missing JSX container <>
  return NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'};


Wrap NumberFormat within JSX tags to be recognized as a component.


     function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


Scenario 5: Conflicting Variable Names

Problematic Code:


     import { NumberFormat as NumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

const NumberFormat = () => {
  return "I'm a string, not a component!";

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <NumberFormat value={price} />;


Avoid variable name conflicts; rename the imported NumberFormat or the conflicting variable.


     import { NumberFormat as ReactNumberFormat } from 'react-number-format';

const NumberFormat = () => {
  return "I'm a string, not a component!";

function PriceDisplay({ price }) {
  return <ReactNumberFormat value={price} displayType={'text'} thousandSeparator={true} prefix={'$'} />;


The “JSX element type ‘NumberFormat’ does not have any construct or call signatures” error in ReactJS can be perplexing, but it’s usually a sign of a simple mistake in how components are imported or used. By understanding the common scenarios in which this error occurs, developers can quickly diagnose and fix the issue. Always remember to follow best practices for importing and using components within JSX to minimize these types of errors.

JSX Element Type 'Icon' Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures" in React

Understanding the Error

The error “jsx element type ‘icon’ does not have any construct or call signatures” usually occurs in React when trying to render a component that has not been properly imported or defined. This error indicates that React expects a component or element to render, but what it has received is something it cannot interpret as a valid JSX element, often due to import or usage mistakes.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some scenarios where this error might occur, along with solutions:

Scenario 1: Incorrect Import Statement

Problem: Importing the ‘Icon’ component incorrectly.


     import { Icon } from './Icon'; // Incorrect if 'Icon' is a default export




     import Icon from './Icon'; // Correct if 'Icon' is a default export


Scenario 2: Exporting Issue in Component File

Problem: ‘Icon’ component is not exported correctly.


     // Icon.js
function Icon() { ... } // No export statement




     // Icon.js
export default function Icon() { ... } // Adding default export


Scenario 3: Typographical Error in Component Name

Problem: Typo in the component name.


     import Icno from './Icon'; // Typo in 'Icon'




     import Icon from './Icon'; // Corrected typo


Scenario 4: Importing from the Wrong Path

Problem: The ‘Icon’ component is imported from an incorrect path.


     import Icon from './components/icon'; // Wrong path




     import Icon from './components/Icon'; // Correct path


Scenario 5: Using a Non-Component as a JSX Element

Problem: Trying to use a non-component (like a function or object) as a JSX element.


     const iconObject = { /* ... */ };
<iconObject /> // This is not a component




     function Icon() { /* ... */ }
<Icon /> // Correct JSX element


Scenario 6: Importing a Non-Existent Named Export

Problem: Attempting to import a named export that doesn’t exist.


     import { IconX } from './Icon'; // 'IconX' is not a named export




     import { Icon } from './Icon'; // Correct named export


Scenario 7: Importing from an Incorrect Package

Problem: Importing ‘Icon’ from a wrong or non-existent package.


     import Icon from 'nonexistent-icon-package';




     import Icon from 'correct-icon-package';


The “jsx element type ‘icon’ does not have any construct or call signatures” error in React is typically a symptom of import/export issues. By understanding and rectifying these issues, developers can ensure smooth rendering of their components. Embracing best practices like consistent code patterns, thorough code reviews, and effective use of development tools can help prevent such errors, leading to a more efficient and error-free development experience.

JSX Element Type 'Component' Does Not Have Any Construct or Call Signatures.ts(2604)" in React

Understanding the Error

The error “jsx element type ‘component’ does not have any construct or call signatures” in TypeScript with React occurs when TypeScript expects a component definition but instead finds something it cannot interpret as a valid React component. This typically happens due to issues with imports, exports, or the way components are defined and used.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Let’s explore some common scenarios where this error might surface, along with their solutions:

Scenario 1: Incorrect Import of a Component

Problem: Misimporting a component, especially when default and named exports are confused.


     import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent'; // Incorrect if MyComponent is a default export




     import MyComponent from './MyComponent'; // Correct for default exports


Scenario 2: Component Not Exported Correctly

Problem: The component is not exported properly from its module.


     // MyComponent.tsx
const MyComponent: React.FC = () => <div></div>;




     // MyComponent.tsx
export const MyComponent: React.FC = () => <div></div>;
// Or for default export
export default MyComponent;


Scenario 3: Import Path Errors

Problem: Importing a component from an incorrect path.


     import MyComponent from './components/mycomponent'; // Incorrect path or filename




     import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent'; // Correct path and filename


Scenario 4: Using Non-Component Objects as JSX Elements

Problem: Attempting to render a non-component object as a JSX element.


     const header = { title: 'Hello' };
<header /> // header is not a React component




     const Header: React.FC = () => <h1>Hello</h1>;
<Header /> // Correct JSX component


Scenario 5: Typo in Component Name

Problem: Typographical error in the component name or import.


     import MyComponet from './MyComponent'; // Typo in 'MyComponent'




     import MyComponent from './MyComponent'; // Corrected component name


Scenario 6: Misusing TypeScript Types in JSX

Problem: Incorrectly using a TypeScript type or interface as a JSX element.


     interface MyComponentProps {
  message: string;
<MyComponentProps /> // This is a type, not a component




     const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ message }) => <div>{message}</div>;
<MyComponent message="Hello" /> // Correct component usage


Scenario 7: Importing from an Incorrect Package

Problem: Importing a component from a non-existent package or wrong package name.


     import MyComponent from 'react-mycomponet'; // Non-existent or incorrect package




     import MyComponent from 'react-mycomponent'; // Correct package name


Scenario 8: Conflicting Names with TypeScript Types

Problem: Naming a component that conflicts with TypeScript’s native types or reserved words.


     const String: React.FC = () => <div>String Component</div>;
<String /> // 'String' conflicts with the TypeScript 'String' type




     const StringComponent: React.FC = () => <div>String Component</div>;
<StringComponent /> // Unique component name


Navigating TypeScript’s strict typing in React can be challenging, especially with errors like “jsx element type ‘component’ does not have any construct or call signatures.ts(2604).” By understanding the root causes and following the solutions and best practices outlined, developers can efficiently resolve these issues. Consistency in coding practices, thorough testing, and leveraging TypeScript’s capabilities are key to a smoother development experience and robust React applications.


By meticulously following the steps mentioned above, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the ‘JSX element type does not have any construct or call signatures’ error in your ReactJS application. Ensuring proper component naming, correct imports, and accurate usage of JSX elements will pave the way for a smooth and error-free development experience. If you encounter any other issues or have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced development team for assistance. Happy coding!