Resolving 'MongoDB Error: Authentication Failed'


Encountering an “Authentication failed” error in MongoDB can be a stumbling block for developers and database administrators. This error surfaces when attempting to connect to a MongoDB database using authentication credentials that the server rejects. Understanding the nuances of this error and knowing how to address it is crucial for maintaining secure and accessible MongoDB deployments. This blog post will explore common causes and provide actionable solutions to resolve the “Authentication failed” error in MongoDB.

Understanding the Error

The “Authentication failed” error indicates a failure in the authentication process with the MongoDB server. This could be due to incorrect username or password, issues with the authentication mechanism, or the user not having the required permissions on the target database.

Diving Deeper

Effective management of authentication credentials and user roles in MongoDB is paramount for database security. An authentication failure can not only prevent legitimate access but also signal potential security concerns that need immediate attention.

Common Scenarios and Fixes with Example Code Snippets

Scenario 1: Incorrect Credentials

Problematic Code: Attempting to connect to MongoDB using an incorrect username or password.


     // Using the MongoDB shell
mongo "mongodb://myUser:wrongPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase"


Explanation: The provided password (wrongPassword) does not match the user’s password stored in MongoDB.

Solution: Verify and use the correct authentication credentials for the MongoDB user.


     // Correct command with the right password
mongo "mongodb://myUser:correctPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase"


Explanation: Using the correct username and password ensures successful authentication with the MongoDB server.

Scenario 2: User Not Found in Database

Problematic Code: Connecting to a database with a user that does not exist in that database’s user collection.


     // Attempting to authenticate as a user that doesn't exist in the 'admin' database
mongo "mongodb://nonExistentUser:password@localhost:27017/admin"


Explanation: MongoDB cannot find nonExistentUser in the admin database, leading to an authentication failure.

Solution: Ensure the user exists in the database you are trying to authenticate against, or use a user defined in the admin database with appropriate roles.


     // Connecting with a user that exists in the 'admin' database
mongo "mongodb://existingAdminUser:password@localhost:27017/admin"


Explanation: Authenticating with a user that exists in the target database or has the necessary roles defined in the admin database resolves the authentication error.

Scenario 3: Authentication Mechanism Mismatch

Problematic Code: Client and server are configured to use different authentication mechanisms, leading to a mismatch during the authentication process.


     // Client attempting to use SCRAM-SHA-1 when the server expects X.509
mongo "mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase" --authenticationMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1


Explanation: The authentication mechanism specified by the client does not match what the MongoDB server expects, resulting in a failure.

Solution: Align the authentication mechanism used by the client with that supported or expected by the MongoDB server.


     // Specifying the correct authentication mechanism
mongo "mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase" --authenticationMechanism=X509


Explanation: Consistency in the authentication mechanism between the client and server ensures that the authentication process can proceed successfully.

Scenario 4: Insufficient User Permissions

Problematic Code: A user with insufficient permissions attempts to perform an operation on a database or collection.


     // A 'read-only' user trying to perform a write operation
db.collection.insertOne({ key: "value" }); // Executed by a read-only user in the MongoDB shell


Explanation: The user’s role does not grant write permissions, leading to an authentication error when attempting a write operation.

Solution: Assign appropriate roles to the user that match the required access levels for the operations they need to perform.


     // MongoDB command to grant 'readWrite' role to the user on 'myDatabase'
db.grantRolesToUser("myUser", [{ role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }]);


Explanation: Providing users with roles that match their operational requirements ensures they can authenticate and perform actions without encountering permission-related authentication errors.

Scenario 5: Authentication Database Mismatch

Problematic Code: Attempting to authenticate against a different database than the one where the user is stored.


     # Attempting to authenticate against the 'test' database with a user stored in the 'admin' database
mongo "mongodb://myAdminUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/test"


Explanation: MongoDB cannot authenticate myAdminUser against the test database because the user is stored in the admin database.

Solution: Specify the authentication database explicitly in the connection string.


     # Specifying the 'admin' database for authentication
mongo "mongodb://myAdminUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/test?authSource=admin"


Explanation: Specifying the correct authentication database (authSource=admin) in the connection string ensures MongoDB looks for the user in the right place, resolving the authentication issue.

Scenario 6: Incorrect MongoDB Version for Authentication Mechanism

Problematic Code: Using an authentication mechanism not supported by the MongoDB server version.


     // Attempting to use SCRAM-SHA-256 with a MongoDB server version that doesn't support it
mongoose.connect('mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase', { authMechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-256' });


Explanation: The MongoDB server might not support the SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication mechanism if it’s an older version, leading to authentication failure.

Solution: Upgrade the MongoDB server to a version that supports the desired authentication mechanism or use a mechanism compatible with the server’s version.


     // Upgrading MongoDB server or using a compatible authentication mechanism
mongoose.connect('mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase', { authMechanism: 'SCRAM-SHA-1' });


Explanation: Aligning the MongoDB server version with the authentication mechanism requirements ensures compatibility and successful authentication.

Scenario 7: TLS/SSL Configuration Issues

Problematic Code: Connection failures due to misconfigured or missing TLS/SSL certificates when the MongoDB server requires secure connections.


     // Connecting without specifying SSL options to a server that requires them
mongo "mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase"


Explanation: The lack of TLS/SSL configuration in the connection attempt can lead to authentication failures if the server enforces secure connections.

Solution: Include necessary TLS/SSL options in the connection string or configuration.


     // Including SSL options in the connection command
mongo "mongodb://myUser:myPassword@localhost:27017/myDatabase" --ssl --sslCAFile /path/to/ca.pem --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/client.pem


Explanation: Configuring the client connection to use TLS/SSL with the correct certificates ensures that the connection meets the server’s security requirements, allowing authentication to proceed.

Scenario 8: Role and Permission Misconfigurations

Problematic Code: Users with roles that do not grant enough privileges to perform requested operations, leading to authentication errors.


     // A user with the 'read' role trying to perform a write operation
db.collection.insertOne({ key: "value" });


Explanation: The user’s role does not allow write operations, which MongoDB might interpret as an authentication or authorization failure.

Solution: Review and update user roles to ensure they have the necessary permissions for their intended operations.


     // Granting 'readWrite' role to the user on the specific database
db.grantRolesToUser("myUser", [{ role: "readWrite", db: "myDatabase" }]);


Explanation: Assigning the correct roles and permissions to users based on their operational needs ensures they can authenticate successfully and perform their tasks without encountering permission-related errors.

Strategies to Prevent Errors

Credential Management: Securely manage and store MongoDB credentials, ensuring they are updated and rotated according to best security practices.

User Auditing: Regularly audit MongoDB users, roles, and permissions to ensure they align with current requirements and security policies.

Authentication Configuration: Review and standardize authentication mechanisms across your MongoDB deployment to avoid mismatches and configuration errors.

Best Practices

Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to define and assign roles that specify the permissible actions for users within the database.

Secure Connections: Use SSL/TLS encryption for connections to MongoDB servers to protect authentication credentials in transit.

Monitor Authentication Attempts: Set up monitoring and alerting for failed authentication attempts to detect and respond to potential security threats promptly.


The “Authentication failed” error in MongoDB often points to issues that can compromise database security and accessibility. By meticulously managing user credentials, aligning authentication mechanisms, and ensuring users have appropriate permissions, developers and database administrators can mitigate these errors. Adopting best practices for user and authentication management not only resolves the “Authentication failed” error but also strengthens the overall security posture of MongoDB deployments.