NodeJS SyntaxError_ Unexpected token X in JSON at position Y

Mastering the Resolution of "NodeJS SyntaxError: Unexpected Token X in JSON at Position Y"


In the vast landscape of Node.js development, parsing JSON is a common operation. However, developers often face the daunting “SyntaxError: Unexpected token X in JSON at position Y.” This error typically arises when JSON parsing fails due to invalid format, unexpected characters, or data corruption. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll demystify this error, providing practical scenarios and solutions, alongside strategies and best practices to help you navigate and resolve it efficiently.

Understanding the Error

The “SyntaxError: Unexpected token X in JSON at position Y” in Node.js occurs while parsing JSON strings with JSON.parse(). The ‘X’ represents the unexpected character, while ‘Y’ indicates its position in the string. This error points to a deviation from the standard JSON format, making it vital to scrutinize the JSON structure closely.

Diving Deeper

JSON parsing errors can stem from various sources, including incorrect data types, extra commas, unescaped characters, or even an improper string format. Let’s dive deeper into the common scenarios where this error occurs and explore how to fix them.

Common Scenarios and Fixes with Example Code Snippets

Scenario 1: Extra or Missing Comma

Problem: An extra or missing comma in a JSON string.


					const jsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30,}';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to the extra comma


Solution: Remove extra commas and ensure proper JSON formatting.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Correctly formatted JSON


Scenario 2: Unquoted Keys

Problem: Keys in a JSON object must be in double quotes.


					const jsonString = '{name: "John", age: 30}';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to unquoted keys


Solution: Ensure all keys are appropriately quoted.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Keys are now correctly quoted


Scenario 3: Single Quoted Strings

Problem: JSON strings must use double quotes.


					const jsonString = "{'name': 'John', 'age': 30}";
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to single quotes


Solution: Replace single quotes with double quotes.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Using double quotes


Scenario 4: Invalid Data Types

Problem: JSON does not support certain data types like functions or undefined.


					const jsonString = '{"name": "John", "func": function() { return "Hello"; }}';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to invalid data type


Solution: Remove or replace unsupported data types.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "func": "Hello function"}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Removed the function


Scenario 5: Improperly Escaped Characters

Problem: Special characters in JSON strings must be escaped.


					const jsonString = '{"text": "He said, "Hello, World!""}';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to unescaped quotes


Solution: Escape special characters correctly.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"text": "He said, \\"Hello, World!\\""}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Correctly escaped quotes


Scenario 6: Trailing Non-JSON Content

Problem: Additional non-JSON content following valid JSON.


					const jsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30} Extra content';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to trailing content


Solution: Remove any non-JSON content.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Removed trailing content


Scenario 7: Corrupted JSON Data

Problem: The JSON string is corrupted or partially missing.


					const jsonString = '{"name": "John", "age...';
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to corruption


Solution: Ensure the integrity of the JSON data.


					const correctedJsonString = '{"name": "John", "age": 30}';
JSON.parse(correctedJsonString); // Correct and complete JSON


Scenario 8: Inappropriate Data Encoding

Problem: Incorrect encoding of the JSON string data.


					const jsonString = Buffer.from('{"name": "John", "age": 30}').toString('base64');
JSON.parse(jsonString); // SyntaxError due to wrong encoding


Solution: Decode or format the data correctly.


					const decodedString = Buffer.from(jsonString, 'base64').toString('utf8');
JSON.parse(decodedString); // Correctly decoded JSON


Strategies to Prevent Errors

Data Validation: Before parsing, validate the JSON string using regular expressions or schema validators.

Safe Parsing: Use try-catch blocks to handle parsing errors gracefully.

Stringification Practices: When creating JSON strings, use JSON.stringify() to avoid manual errors.

Best Practices

Consistent Formatting: Adhere to standard JSON formatting rules.

Logging and Monitoring: Implement logging to trace the origin of malformed JSON.

Use of Libraries: Utilize robust JSON parsing libraries that offer additional error information.


Understanding and resolving “SyntaxError: Unexpected token X in JSON at position Y” requires attention to JSON standards and careful data handling. By applying the strategies and best practices outlined here, developers can effectively manage JSON data in Node.js, ensuring efficient and error-free applications. Remember, meticulous JSON handling is a hallmark of proficient Node.js development.